Privacy Policy

ZCJK Group is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect and use data and protect it when you interact on our website, products and services. We are committed to maintaining transparency and security for all our data policies.

Data Collection Practices

ZCJK Group collects information about you in order to provide and improve services.

Personal Information We collect your personal information voluntarily provided by you. This includes information such as: name, email address and phone number.

  1. Usage Data: We gather data about your website usage, such as IP addresses, browser types, pages viewed, time spent per page, and other analytical data. This data helps us better understand the user's behavior and improve the online presence.

  2. Cookies and Tracking Technologies:We use tracking technologies and cookies to enhance the experience you have on our website. These technologies enable us to track and remember your preferences as well as deliver personalized content. In your browser's preferences, you can control your cookie preferences.

Information Collected and Its Use

ZCJK Group utilizes the collected information in various ways, including:

  1. Service Provision: To provide the products and services requested by you, process transactions, as well as to provide support for customers. We use your personal information to process orders and provide effective customer service.

  2. Improvement and Personalization : To improve our website, products and services on the basis of user feedback and usage habits. By tailoring our offerings and content to your tastes, we aim to deliver a more personal experience.

  3. Communication: Sending you important information, such as newsletters, promotional material, and other relevant materials. Your contact details are used to keep you updated on our latest offers and developments.

Data Security Measures

Our priority is to protect your data. ZCJK Group takes various security measures in order to protect your personal data.

  1. Secure Storage and Advanced Encryption Technologies: We utilize advanced encryption technologies to safeguard your data both during transmission and while being stored. This helps to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.

  2. Access Controls : We use strict access controls in order to make sure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information. Our employees are trained in handling your data with utmost care and confidentiality.

  3. Regular Audits and Monitors: We perform regular security audits, and monitor our system to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps maintain a robust cybersecurity posture.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

ZCJK Group values your privacy. It does not rent out or sell any of your personal data to third parties. In certain situations, we may need to share your information.

  1. Service Providers : We may share your personal information with trusted service provider who helps us to operate our website and conduct business. They also help you by providing services. These service providers are contractually bound to protect your information and use it only for the purpose specified by us.

  2. Legal Requirements. Your information may be disclosed if it is required by law or to respond to valid requests made by public authorities. In order to comply with legal requirements, protect our rights, or ensure the safety of users, we may disclose your information.

  3. Business Transfers : Your personal information could be transferred in the event of an acquisition, merger or sale. We will inform you of such changes, and continue to protect your personal data.

You can also read our conclusion

We place a high priority on your privacy at ZCJK Group. We are dedicated to providing you with a secure and safe online experience. You agree to the Privacy Policy by using our website or services. You should review this privacy policy frequently to stay up-to-date. Contact us if there are any questions or concerns.